As we continue to adapt and attempt to reduce the impact that we are inflicting on nature around the world, Scuba Du had shifted to recyclable water bottles many years ago.
To further our pursuit in practicing sustainability, we begin distributing biodegradable water cups on all our diving and snorkeling services and moving away from our iconic plastic bottle.
We are very positive this action will support a cleaner environment.
Scuba Du hopes all our costumers help us to reduce the waste we create on daily basis to the planet.
We still request scuba du clients to bring a reusable water bottle on diving expeditions if they already have one.
We are looking forward to this new endeavor and we hope you all join us so we can give the new generations a hope to have cleaner oceans.
Let’s all do our part to reduce Ocean Plastic.
Thank you for joining our efforts to conserve and protect our precious environment.